Discover the outpatient module

Global-PPS has launched the innovative Outpatient Module to bridge the gap in antimicrobial surveillance for non-admitted patients. Designed for outpatient clinics, primary care centers, and emergency departments, this module provides detailed insights into prescribing patterns, patient characteristics, and antimicrobial use trends.

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New Tools for Outpatient Care: Tutorials and Real-Time Feedback Reports

The Global-PPS team is excited to announce the release of new resources for the outpatient module, including tutorial videos and real-time feedback reports. The tutorial videos explain how to use the Global-PPS tool and enter your data. The real-time feedback report includes detailed personalized information on prescribing practices and quality indicators for the outpatient module of the Global-PPS.

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Shaping Africa’s fight against antimicrobial resistance: insights from Prof. Shaheen Mehtar

Meet Shaheen Mehtar, professor of Infection Prevention and Control in South Africa. As a founding member of the Infection Control Africa Network, she has played a pivotal role in shaping infection control practices across the continent. In this interview, Prof. Mehtar discusses her work with the Global Point Prevalence Survey, the successes and challenges of implementing antimicrobial stewardship programs, and her hopes for improving IPC efforts in both hospital and outpatient settings.

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A perspective on AMR by IPC specialist Dr. Biljana Carevic

Dr. Biljana Carevic, a pioneering hospital epidemiologist, has dedicated her career to infection control and antibiotic stewardship. In this interview, Biljana discusses her work, the challenges of antimicrobial resistance (AMR) in Serbia versus Norway, and her ongoing efforts with the Global Point Prevalence Survey.

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Global-PPS at ESCMID Global 2024

Last Friday, the annual Global-PPS meeting in collaboration with bioMérieux took place on the occasion of ESCMID Global 2024, formerly known as ECCMID. Over 100 participants attended the hybrid meeting to learn more about the project’s activities, strategies and results. It was a special edition as Global-PPS also celebrated its 10 year anniversary!

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Addressing Antimicrobial Stewardship Challenges in Paediatric Patients in Hospitals in Sanandaj, Western Iran

A recent study compared antimicrobial prescribing patterns in paediatric patients from three hospitals in Sanandaj, Western Iran, with paediatric patients from hospitals in Southeast Asia and Europe. Standardised 2019 Global-PPS data were used.

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Connecting Wales and Uganda: interview with Amanda Daniel

Read our interview with Amanda Daniel, Lead Nurse and IPC Specialist from Wales who worked in a Ugandan hospital to help identify antimicrobial prescribing rates. The implementation of the Global-PPS in Uganda highlighted both the challenges and opportunities in addressing AMR and improving infection prevention and control practices.

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A Collaborative Effort in Antimicrobial Stewardship – Interview with Dr. Herberth Maldonado

We interviewed Dr. Herberth Maldonado from Guatemala, who has made great efforts in combatting antimicrobial resistance in his country. He shares his insights and experiences with Global-PPS, what challenges he faces and his hopes for the future.

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Update on Nigerian Global-PPS network

Lagos University Teaching Hospital (LUTH), a tertiary care hospital in Nigeria, is a loyal member in the Global-PPS network with annual multiple participations since 2015. They have been using the Global-PPS data to create a hospital stewardship program and in August 2018, the Nigerian working group on AMS was established.

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Global-PPS WAAW 2023 campaign

Global-PPS is again joining the World Antibiotic Awareness Week, a global campaign improving awareness and understanding of antimicrobial resistance (AMR) and encouraging best practices. This year’s theme is again ‘Preventing antimicrobial resistance together’. It focuses on a One Health approach and inspires collaboration across sectors. AMR is a threat to humans, animals, plants and the environment and fighting it is a global endeavour.

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Testimonial with Dr. Noritaka Sekiya

Read our interview with Dr. Noritaka Sekiya, a physician for infectious diseases at the Tokyo Metropolitan Cancer and Infectious Diseases Center Komagome Hospital in Japan. He’s working as a consultant in infectious diseases and infection prevention & control. Dr. Sekiya’s other expertise is field epidemiology. In this interview, he addresses the AMR situation in Japan and how using Global-PPS has been a part of tackling this problem.

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New interactive online reporting dashboard

The Global-PPS tool is continuously improved and expanded. Our newest addition is the interactive reporting dashboard, now available on the online Global-PPS data entry environment. This new feature is meant to replace the longitudinal feedback reports in the pdf-format, and will enable hospitals to customise their analyses.

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Global-PPS impact in Montenegro

Read our interview with Professor Gordana Mijovic and Doctor Ivana Djuković, expert members from the Montenegrin Global-PPS network. In this testimonial, they elaborate on the challenges and barriers in the fight against antimicrobial resistance (AMR), the advantages of collaborating with Global-PPS, and the future perspectives of AMR reduction in Montenegro .

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Need for surveillance and stewardship actions – WHO fungal priority pathogens list

To strengthen the worldwide response to IFDs and antifungal resistance, the World Health Organisation (WHO) has developed a Fungal Priority Pathogens List (FPPL). Its aim is to focus and drive further research and policy interventions. This list was inspired by the Bacterial Priority Pathogens List that WHO published in 2017.

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WHO releases the AWaRe Antibiotic Book

On 9 December 2022, the World Health Organisation (WHO) published the WHO AWaRe (Access, Watch, Reserve) Antibiotic Book. It is a concise, evidence-based guide for choosing antibiotics, doses, routes of administration and duration of treatment for more than 30 of the most common clinical infections in children and adults, in both primary health care and hospital settings.

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Launch of drive-AMS

On the 1st of November 2022, Radboud University Medical Centre (Radboudumc) and University of Antwerp joined forces to launch drive-AMS, a new project funded under the EU4Health Programme. This project aims to intensify antimicrobial stewardship (AMS) programmes across the European Union by improving prudent antimicrobial use (AMU) and strengthening AMU surveillance, which are both key priorities of the EU One Health Action Plan on AMR.

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Global-PPS celebrates WAAW 2022

Every year from 18 until 24 November the World of Antimicrobial Awareness Week (WAAW) takes place. It is a global campaign to improve awareness and understanding of antimicrobial resistance (AMR) and encourages best practices among the public, One Health stakeholders, and policymakers. They all play a critical role in reducing the further emergence and spread of AMR.

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