Knowledge transfer • measurement • expert consultation

These three key aspects make up drive-AMS, a project that aims to drive forward antimicrobial stewardship (AMS). AMS is an essential step towards improving antimicrobial resistance, one of the top global health threats according to WHO. 


Interview with Romanian country lead Prof. Mihaela Lupse

In this interview, Mihaela Lupse, professor in infectious diseases and lead of the Romanian drive-AMS network, sheds light on the situation in her country. She elaborates on the ongoing efforts in fighting AMR and establishing the project in Romania.

AMR challenges in Portuguese hospitals – a story from the field by Dr. Raquel Duro

In this interview, Dr. Raquel Duro, member of the Portuguese drive-AMS team, elaborates on her role within the project, the AMS interventions in her hospital and how AMR has affected patients.

Portuguese drive-AMS network organised second part of in-country course

The second part of the course dedicated to antimicrobial stewardship, integrated into the European drive-AMS project, recently took place.


drive-AMS is co-funded by the European Health and Digital Executive Agency under grant agreement No 101079985. Views and opinions expressed are those of the author(s) only and do not necessarily reflect those of the European Union or the European Health and Digital Executive Agency. Neither can be held responsible for them.