drive-AMS and EU-JAMRAI2: joining forces to tackle AMR

drive-AMS and EU-JAMRAI2, the second phase of the European Joint Action on Antimicrobial Resistance (AMR) and Healthcare-Associated Infections, are aligning their efforts, recognizing that both initiatives share crucial goals. EU-JAMRAI2 is dedicated to assisting EU Member States in implementing targeted actions against AMR, with the ultimate goal of safeguarding public health on the continent.

Together, both projects will help make the EU a best practice region in the fight against AMR, as laid down in the EU One Health Action Plan on AMR. EU-JAMRAI2, backed by a €50 million grant from the European Commission, unites 120 partners from 30 European countries – the EU27, Norway, Iceland, and Ukraine – and is further strengthened by the Stakeholders Forum, assembling over 60 stakeholders representing international organizations, civil society, health professionals, patient associations, the animal and environmental sectors, and industry to ensure that the Joint Action is strategically connected to the global challenges and developments in the field of AMR. drive-AMS is officially represented in this body through Prof. Jeroen Schouten, demonstrating a strong commitment to collaborative action.

EU-JAMRAI2 has set specific areas of focus, which include establishing an EU-wide framework for stewardship across human, animal, and environmental health; supporting the adoption of best practices in Infection Prevention and Control (IPC) across participating countries; improving access to AMR-related treatments for both humans and animals; promoting an integrated One Health surveillance system for antimicrobial resistance; and encouraging rational use of antimicrobials. A significant aspect of EU-JAMRAI2’s mission is also to raise awareness of AMR. The latter is of special interest to drive-AMS.

drive-AMS is committed to help promoting the Antimicrobial Resistance Symbol as a cornerstone of positive communication on AMR.

As part of these synergistic efforts, a drive-AMS course will be organized in Nicosia, Cyprus, between 13-16 February 2025. The course, co-organized with EU-JAMRAI, will be led by Prof. Emmanuel Roilides, the drive-AMS partner lead in Greece.

In addition, drive-AMS and EU-JAMRAI2 agreed to support each other by amplifying shared messages, distributing news articles, and cross-promoting AMR-related events to engage a broader audience.

The partnership between drive-AMS and EU-JAMRAI2 will continue to grow in the coming months. Look for an update on our collaborative efforts in the March 2025 edition of the drive-AMS Newsletter. Watch this video to discover more about EU-JAMRAI 2!