New Tools for Outpatient Care: Tutorials and Real-Time Feedback Reports

New Tools for Outpatient Care: Tutorials and Real-Time Feedback Reports

The Global-PPS team is excited to announce the release of new resources for the outpatient module, including tutorial videos and real-time feedback reports. The tutorial videos explain how to use the Global-PPS tool and enter your data. The real-time feedback report includes detailed personalized information on prescribing practices and quality indicators for the outpatient module of the Global-PPS.

Our aim is to empower healthcare facilities in their battle against antimicrobial resistance, by offering a user-friendly, standardized tool that provides real-time feedback. You can find a series of tutorial videos in the tool under ‘Instructions’, that include details on how to:

  • Register and login
  • Enter your departments and select the survey
  • Enter your unit data
  • Enter patient data
  • Finalize & download the feedback report

Additionally, the Global-PPS software now features an automated feedback function that processes PPS data and generates a series of graphs and tables. This allows outpatient clinics and healthcare facilities to receive their reports in real-time (immediately after data entry) without needing to invest time and resources in data analysis. These reports assist local healthcare teams in interpreting, communicating, and discussing findings for their healthcare facilities.

Currently, we provide one-point feedback reports that give insights into:

  • Antimicrobial prevalences
  • Prevalences for different antibiotic subgroups
  • Most common diagnoses for antimicrobial prescribing
  • Most commonly used antimicrobial substances for top 5 diagnoses
  • AWaRe classification
  • Guideline-related quality indicators for antimicrobial and antibiotic use

The feedback report provides results separately for adults, children, and newborns, as well as the overall totals. Personalized results are additionally plotted against mean national and continental results (benchmarking).

Any outpatient healthcare facility worldwide is welcome to participate. Facilities are invited to participate individually or as a network. The network will be able to download a merged feedback report, which aggregates results from all or a set of participating facilities. This report will be available later this year for download or currently already upon request via

We are continuously improving the reports, taking into account feedback from our participants. You can download the latest available example of a one-point feedback report here